youR Kitten

  • Health

    As soon as you've welcomed your new kitten home, it's crucial to schedule an immediate visit to your veterinarian for an initial health checkup. They'll need further vaccinations, boosters, and continued veterinary care. For instance, it's recommended to provide them with an FVRCP booster, FeLV, and deworming treatment when they're between 12-15 weeks old. Subsequently, during the 16-20 week stage, they should receive the final FVRCP booster, Rabies vaccination, a fecal exam, and a FeLV/FIV test.

  • What Your Kitten Comes with

    I make it a point to provide all my new kitten families with a comprehensive kitten starter kit. Some things that you will find with your kit are food, information, diet guide etc. Moreover, each kitten will come with a complete copy of vet records and courtesy of Trupanion, your kittens will also be covered under pet health insurance. Every kitten we provide is backed by a comprehensive health guarantee. My cattery offers an amazing health guarantee for your kittens, which is leading in the industry. Singularity kittens are covered with a 5-year guarantee for any issues related to genetics and a 2-year guarantee for FIP. Detailed information on these guarantees will be included in your kitten contract, which will be accessible once a deposit is made for your future furry baby.

  • Kittens At home

    It's completely normal for your new kitten to appear timid and anxious at first when they arrive at their new home. With a bit of patience and time, you'll see them adjust and get comfortable within a few days. A common question many people ask is whether a single kitten is acceptable. Although cats are inherently social, the answer really depends on your unique circumstances. It's certainly beneficial for your kitten to have a little companion, but this doesn't necessarily mean you need to get another one from my cattery. You might already have a cat at home or perhaps you've adopted another kitten elsewhere, and that's perfectly fine. I must also mention that a lot of kittens adjust well with just their human owners as their companions. If you feel you can successfully provide for the needs of two kittens and offer them a loving home, that's absolutely wonderful. But if it's just the one kitten, that's also okay. My ultimate goal is to offer you a source of joy and happiness while ensuring each kitten finds a warm, loving, and permanent home.